Our people are our greatest assets. They bring years of experience and knowledge to every idea, decision, solution, and negotiation executed on your behalf.
Meet Our Leadership Team and Marketing Experts:

Chris Ragusa
CFRE President & CEO
(914) 235-7080 ext. 309
Chris Ragusa, CFRE is EMG’s President and CEO. She has over 30 years of direct marketing experience in many areas of consumer marketing including Nonprofit, Faith-based, Publishing, Hispanic marketing and African-American marketing. During her years with EMG, she has worked with such distinguished mailers as Salesian Missions, US Fund for UNICEF, Bookspan, Reader’s Digest, Rodale Press, Hispanic Magazine, Time Inc., Columbia House, International Masters Publishers, CARE, and the American Bible Society. She is the 2016 recipient of the National Catholic Development Conference’s George T. Holloway Award for Distinguished Service. The award reflects Chris’ many years of service to Catholic fundraising, evidence of research, writing and public representation of the fundraising profession, and her tireless and devoted service to the Catholic philanthropic community.
Chris has served on the Advisory Council of the DMA Nonprofit Federation, as well as the National Catholic Development Conference as a Corporate Advisor. She also serves on the NCDC Professional Development Committee and has been a Lumen Awards judge many times. She has previously served as Chair of the DMA Directo Council, the DMA’s Hispanic Marketing Council. Chris was awarded the 2006 Fundraising Professionals of the year, Top Women in Fundraising, as well as the DMA Directo Council Hispanic Marketer of the Year.

Geoff Batrouney
Executive Vice President & C.O.O.
(914) 235-7080 ext. 308 gbatrouney@esteemarketing.com
Geoff Batrouney serves as Executive Vice President and C.O.O., and has over 30 years experience, primarily as a catalog mailer. Geoff specializes in the creation and execution of circulation plans, marketing plans and business development plans. His extensive experience covers all aspects of catalog marketing including consumer gift catalogs, licensed merchandise, specialty food marketing, sports and event marketing, licensed entertainment, religious publications and catalogs, and the collectibles market. His background includes co-founding The Company Store, No nonsense Direct and The Coca-Cola Catalog. Geoff has served as a judge for the Annual Catalog Conference Awards, the Caples Awards, and is a former Echo Academy Governor and 10-year judge for the DMA Echo Awards. Geoff is actively involved with several industry associations.

Stan Madyda
Senior Vice President
(914) 235-7080 ext. 305 smadyda@esteemarketing.com
Stan Madyda serves Estee Marketing Group as our Senior Vice President. In this capacity, Stan is responsible for the list brokerage and insert media requirements of his clients. Among his clients are such specialty marketers as AETNA Insurance, America in World War II Magazine, Country Music Greats Catalog, Edmund Scientific, Garrett Wade Catalog, HoneyBaked Ham, Inner Traditions, Mapleshade Records, Max-R Products, McFeely’s Square Drive Screws, to name just a few.
After graduating from Mercy College with a BA in Mathematics, Stan began his career in 1977 working with clients both large and small including Amos Publishing (auto and collecting publications), Bookspan, Eastwood Company, German Life Magazine, Imagine the Challenge, Linen Source, Mrs. Field’s Cookies, Oreck, Primedia (history and outdoor publications), Trout Unlimited, Vermont Country Store and Young Explorers. He focuses on the specialty markets of consumer publishing, BTC and BTB catalogs, book clubs and insert media. Many of Stan’s clients are in niche markets that have challenging circulation requirements. His ability to uncover lists and insert media programs has enabled many of his clients to reach previously closed markets and achieve success with their direct marketing programs.

Deana Snyder
Vice President
(914) 235-7080 ext. 306 dsnyder@esteemarketing.com
Deana Snyder is Vice President of EMG and is directly responsible for the List Management Department. She joined EMG in 2000, and has over 21 years experience as a professional List Manager. Throughout her career, Deana has worked with many well-known, high-profile clients including: FAO Schwartz, Save The Children, March of Dimes, Bloomingdales by Mail, Macy’s by Mail, Salesian Missions, The HoneyBaked Ham Company, M&M’S World, Ethel M Chocolates and The Edmundite Missions. Her List Management experience includes marketing traditional lists and Insert Media properties in both the consumer and BTB markets. The properties she has worked on have been diverse and include Catholic fundraising, secular fundraising, consumer catalogs, sweepstakes, specialty food, international, publishing, government, database and e-commerce areas. Deana started her career as an assistant list manager and has worked her way up the ranks to her current position at Estee Marketing Group where she oversees the List Management department, heads up sales efforts and sales promotions.
Alexa Kimberley-Bryant is Senior Account Executive at EMG. She has been in the direct marketing industry for over thirty years starting as a mailer in the women’s specialty market, followed by twenty five plus years as a list broker with long tenures in executive management, specializing in circulation strategy. Her clients represent a cross section of the direct marketing industry: children’s toys, gardening, home furnishings, books, men’s and women’s fashion, food and gift. Alexa has successfully launched a number of consumer catalogs and her roster has included direct marketing industry startups such as: Hanna Andersson, HearthSong, Green Mountain Coffee, Smith & Hawken, Magic Cabin, PajamaGram, Bas Bleu, Seeds of Change, Chinaberry, One Step Ahead, Old Durham Road, Vermont Teddy Bear, Kevin’s, Sweet Energy and Isabella. She brings her clients years of customer acquisition planning and important insights into the trends and dynamics of the industry. Alexa provides a level of customer service and attention to detail which is rare and critical in today’s multi channel marketing environment.
Alexa Kimberley-Bryant • Senior Account Executive • Estee Marketing Group, Inc. • (603) 447-3328 • cell: (603) 986-6394 akbryant@esteemarketing.com